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13 results found for "John Black"
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Lean Production

Implementing a World-Class System
By  John Black
Format : eBook

$59.95 Purchase


The concept of lean production is not new, but the challenges of dramatic change management often stymie business leaders trying to put lean operations into place. This newly-revised and greatly…

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Heating Systems Troubleshooting & Repair

Maintenance Tips and Forensic Observations
Format : eBook

$89.95 Purchase


Most of the work technicians routinely perform is in maintaining existing equipment as opposed to installing new systems. The procedures and visual observation conditions presented in this title will…

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Lean Manufacturing: Implementation Strategies that Work

By  John Davis
Format : eBook

$54.95 Purchase


Overview …

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Reliability Centered Maintenance

Format : eBook

$74.95 Purchase


Initially developed by the aviation industry, RCM is rapidly becoming fundamental to the practice of maintenance management and is now in use at hundreds of industrial and service organizations around…

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The Reliability Excellence Workbook

From Ideas to Action
Format : eBook

$59.95 Purchase


The Reliability Excellence Workbook covers reliability (and other 4-letter words) in the context of creating a master strategy of continuous improvement.  Think of it as a truly interactive…

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