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Industrial Press publishes the Machinery’s Handbook and leading technical books for engineers, professionals, academia, and students who are in the manufacturing industry. Our publication covers a wide range of subjects, including Metalworking, CNC programming, computer-aided-design (CAD), computer-aided-manufacturing (CAM), operation and management, sustainable manufacturing, and advanced manufacturing technologies, such as additive manufacturing and assistive robotics.

The year 2024 marked the 110th anniversary since the first edition of the Machinery’s Handbook was published in 1914, and it is now in its 32nd Edition. The Machinery’s Handbook remains the industry’s most comprehensive technical reference. It is a true “bible” of metalworking, machining and mechanical engineers. It continues the tradition of up-to-date contemporary specifications, standards, practices, and methods. For information on new features of the latest edition, click here.

We are very excited to offer Machinery’s Handbook and many other titles on our own eBookstore, which allows you to access purchased or subscribed content anywhere on your preferred portable device. Industrial Press is keenly aware of technological and environmental developments surrounding the manufacturing industry and intends to continue publishing valued-added book contents for current and future manufacturing professionals.